Kashmiri names of birds compiled from various sources.


Bee-eater, European [ Tuleri Kaw ]
Bittern, Little [ Gui ]
Bluethroat [ Nyul Hot ]
Bulbul, Black [ Wan / Kruhun Bulbul ]
Bulbul, Himalayan [ Bulbul/Bilbichur ]
Bunting, Rock [ Wan Tser ]
Bushchat, Grey [ Dofa Tiriv ]
Chukar [ Chakor/Kak ]
Coot, Common [ Kolur/Kavput ]
Cormorant, Great [ Mong ]
Crow, House [ Kaw ]
Crow, Jungle [ Wan, Diva, or Pantsol Kav ]
Cuckoo, Eurasian [ Shah Kuk ]
Dipper, Brown [ Dungal/Galkav ]
Dove, Eurasian Collared [ Kukil ]
Dove, Oriental Turtle [ Wan Kukil ]
Drongo, Ashy [ Gunkots/Telakots ]
Egret, Little [ Brate ]
Forktail, Spotted [ Shahkol Lot ]
Garganey [ Nor/NOUR ]
Goldfinch, European [ Sehara/Sera ]
Goose, Greylag [AENZ]
Grebe, Little [ Pind /Pindich ]
Greenfinch, Yellow-breasted [ Sabz Tser ]
Grosbeak, Black-and-yellow [ Wyet Tont ]
Griffon, Himalayan [ Grad ]
Gull, Brown-headed [ Kreend ]
Heron, Black-crowned Night [ Bor ]
Heron, Grey [ Breg ]
Heron, Indian Pond [ Broku ]
Hoopoe, Common [ Hud Hud ]
Jacana, Pheasant-tailed [ Gund Kav/TONTI KAEN ]
Jackdaw, Eurasian [ Kavin ]
Kestrel, Common [ Boher ]
Kingfisher, Common [ Kol Toonch ]
Kingfisher, Pied [ Safed Toonch ]
Kite, Black [ Gaant ]
Koel, Asian [ Koyal ]
Lapwing, Red-wattled [ Hatatut ]
Laughingthrush, Streaked [ Sheen Pipin ]
Magpie, Yellow-billed Blue [ Lot Raz ]
Mallard [ Nilij / Thuj ]
Monal, Himalayan [ Wan Kokur/Son Murg ]
Moorhen, Common [ Tech ]
Myna, Common [ Her ]
Oriole, Eurasian Golden [ Posh Nool ]
Owl, Barn [ Raat Mogul ]
Owl, Long-eared [ Raat Mogul ]
Paradise-flycatcher, Asian [ Phambasir [M]/Rang Bulbul[F] ]
Parakeet, Rose-ringed [ Shoga ]
Pigeon, Rock [ Kotur ]
Pintail, Northern [ Pechin ]
Pochard, Common [ Khrokh ]
Pochard, Red-Crested [ TOOR ]
Redstart, Plumbeous Water [ Kol Tiriv ]
Redstart, White-capped Water [ Chets Tal ]
Roller, European [ Rang Kaw/Nilakrash ]
Rosefinch, Common [ Gulab Tser ]
Sandpiper, Common [ Tont Kon/Kol Kavin ]
Shelduck, Common [ CHAAKAV ]
Shelduck, Ruddy [ Surkhab ]
Shrike, Long-Tailed [ Her Waatij
Snipe, Common [ Zar Batchi ]
Shoveler, Northern [ Hoonk ]
Sparrow, House [ Kantur/Tser ]
Sparrowhawk, Eurasian [ Tseri Suh ]
Starling, Common [ Tsini Hangur ]
Stilt, Black-winged [ Longzeeth ]
Stonechat, Common [ Dofa Tiriv ]
Swallow, Barn [ Katij/Ababeel ]
Swamphen, Purple [ VAN TECH ]
Teal, Common [ Kuisput ]
Tern, Whiskered [ Kreesh/Kreend ]
Thrush, Black-throated [ Wanda Kastoor ]
Thrush, Blue Whistling [ Hazaar Dastaan ]
Thrush, Tickell's [ Kastoor ]
Tit, Green-backed [ Rang Tser ]
Tit, Great [ Rang Tser ]
Tit, Rufous-naped [ Tajdar Tser/Pintsakkon ]
Tit, Spot-winged [ Tajdar Tser/Pintsakkon ]
Treecreeper, Bar-tailed [ Koel Dider ]
Wagtail, Citrine [ Lidur Dob-bai ]
Wagtail, Grey [ Khak Dob-bai ]
Wagtail, White [ Dob-bai ]
Wallcreeper [ Lamba Dider ]
Warbler, Clamorous Reed [ Korkuch/Korkut ]
Warbler, Lemon-rumped [ Viri Tiriv ]
Warbler, Tytler's Leaf [ Viri Tiriv ]
Warbler, Western Crowned [ Viri Tiriv ]
Wigeon, Eurasian [ SHEERNI BUDAN ]
Woodpecker, Himalayan [ Hor Koel/Makotz ]
Woodpecker, Scaly-bellied [ Koel Makotz ]
Wryneck, Eurasian [ Viri Mot ]

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